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My Top 5 Books For Women Healing After Divorce - What Books To Read To Begin Your Healing Journey

Writer's picture: Sarah EadesSarah Eades

Updated: Mar 2, 2023

This is my insider's guide to the top 5 books for healing after divorce.

While I was going through, and after, my own divorce and learning to cope and heal, I looked to books. They became such a great resource and refuge for me. With these books, I learned so much about myself and began my healing journey. My hope is that in this list of my top 5 books to read after your divorce, you will find courage, strength, confidence, and self-love and start your healing journey. These books were invaluable in my life during a time when I was still trying to figure out who I was and what my life looked like at that time and I know they can help you with yours too. The below list is my top 5 books that helped me heal after my divorce and transition in my life. I think of books as guides that help us through our journeys. These books have provided inspiration and insight and taught me so many invaluable lessons which helped me through tough times. I hope it becomes that for you, as well.

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown

If you haven’t read Brené Brown’s work, they are a must! Brené Brown’s book, The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly, was one of the books I read while I was going through my divorce. It was so powerful and influential, which helped me through those tough times. I suggest reading this one first. Brené is a shame researcher and offers easy-to-understand insights. While they aren’t specifically for dealing with divorce, her books are super relatable. In The Gifts of Imperfection, she dives deep into important topics of worthiness, perfectionism, wholehearted living, and letting go of who you think you’re “supposed to be” in order to embrace who you are. Brené explains that being able to set boundaries is essential to effectively practicing compassion, even though we may not tend to associate the two concepts. This book encourages you to cultivate courage, compassion, and connection, which is a perfect read when you are going through a divorce or right after.

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

This Brené Brown book is so impactful and important. It was the 2nd book I read while I was going through my divorce. It helped me change my perspective and face my fears head-on. “Daring Greatly” is about embracing vulnerability and imperfection, living wholeheartedly, and engaging courageously. In Daring Greatly, she shines a light on uncertainty, risk, and emotional exposure. All the things you deal with during and after a divorce. She encourages you to face those experiences with vulnerability and courage and with these feelings you will be more inspired to live unconditionally. This is one of my favorite books and Brené Brown is one of my favorite authors!

After the Rain by Alexandra Elle

Part memoir, part guide, this book by Alexandra Elle contains 15 lessons on overcoming obstacles, building confidence, self-love, and living a more fulfilling life. Alexandra Elle’s book, After the Rain: Gentle Reminders for Healing, Courage, and Self-Love. A book about self-love is balanced with so much compassion and assertiveness. It's a wonderful guide to help you understand how to show up in the world and value yourself. Each chapter, or lesson, unravels difficult situations she’s experienced and her healing process. Follow along Alexandra's journey as she transforms challenging experiences into fuel for her career as a successful entrepreneur and author driven by purpose and passion along with empowering affirmations and meditations for you to incorporate into your own lives. This is such an inspirational book with such a powerful message.

When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chödrön

When Things Fall Apart is such a powerful book, it is definitely a must-read for when you have gone through, or are going through, a divorce. I undoubtedly suggest this book! Pema Chödrön is a Buddhist monk. No matter your religious affiliation or whatever your spiritual beliefs may be, this book is for everyone. The main focus of the book is times of transition when everything solid and familiar has suddenly disappeared, including one’s sense of self and purpose and the fear that arises from this experience is. Pema asserts that insecurity and pain are inevitable parts of the human experience, and to relax with this truth — to not resist it — creates a fundamental awareness of self. The first step is to not run from discomfort, but rather to be curious about it. When Things Fall Apart is such a great book. It does not offer solutions to pain, but rather tools to understand and cope with what you are going through.

Progress Over Perfection: A Guide to Mindful Productivity By Emma Norris

Emma Norris guides you in a stress-free lifestyle that also teaches you to embrace the unexpected challenges that may come your way. With Progress Over Perfection, you’ll find the courage and the resolve to do what you want to do without having to make any compromises. In this book, you will learn mindful productivity habits that can combat feeling stress, anxiety, and self-doubt, with each chapter filled with different subjects that include tips and goals to help you overcome other challenges. One of my favorite chapters is, Overcoming Perfection Paralysis, with sections on Mistakes Make the Woman, Start Before You're "Ready", and Done is Better than Perfect, along with a mindful exercise to go with it. This is such a great book to have in your collection. I have it on my desk right now and read it frequently and give it as a gift to my clients! I love it so much!


Bonus Book!

A New Special Friend by Tamar Burris

A New Special Friend by Tamar Burris

I didn't have this book when I was going through my divorce or after but, I just had the pleasure of being able to review this book personally. It is such an excellent book for parents and children when they are at the point in their journey where they are ready to start introducing a new person into their child's life. It was created by another life coach, Tamar Burris, who mostly works with blended families and single parents after divorce. The book is centered around Little Fox, who is used to his parents being divorced. But now his dad has a special friend. Little Fox discovers that it is a-okay for Donna, his dad's special friend, to be his friend. This book is a great read to help your little ones know that their feelings are valid. It shows children that new people may come into their lives and family and when these new people come into their lives the other parent won't be mad. It teaches that it's ok to be open and to talk about it and their feelings.

You can click the link below to go to Tamar's website.

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